Through informed asana instruction, guided meditation, yoga nidra, pranayama, and set periods of restorative rest and integration the student will have ample time to clarify their farthest reaching positive intentions for themselves and release hidden tensions which may be causing any physical limitations, pain, trauma, fatigue, depression, or unhappiness.
The periods of meditative rest will assist in taking the necessary time to absorb and assimilate the deep work one will be doing on a soul level. Finding and discovering dormant resources of our inherent goodness through the gift of grace will lead the way through any resistances that could possibly arise. Softening further into love, care, and kindness as the foundations of our spiritual work as yogi’s will be instilled throughout the class.
2. Vienna Yoga Conference Copyright © 2016 Petra Derfler-Riepl
Am Kanal 2a/5 - 2482 Münchendorf